There’s an App-le for that

So although the fist clenching had mixed results I’ve decided to take a different tact. This time I’m going to try something that isn’t psychological but a time old physical, yet still alternative cure. I’m attempting the Edgar Cayce Apple fast. The idea is that all you eat for three days is apples, topped up with lots of warm water.  This seems radical and scary to me but i’m about to give it a go.

I’m yet to buy the apples but when I do I’ll let you know how it goes day by day


Your Itchy Friend x

Why I hate the cream

As I get out of yet another painful shower and slather another load of steroid cream and moisturiser I feel a sense of dread. This is a routine that just doesn’t work! Although I haven’t given up on this traditional method as it does sometimes ease symptoms, in the long run it has little effect on my eczema. I am told by anyone who has shared a room with me that I scratch all over my body all night. This leads me to believe that I’m not just suffering from a skin complaint but I need to work on the physiology of my eczema. Here comes my problem, when I use creams on my skin it softens and this scratching in my sleep leads to it breaking and bleeding.

So today I am looking at a physiological cure. It is so simple that anybody can try.Whenever I feel like scratching I clench my fists and concentrate on them for 30 seconds. The idea is you won’t focus on the itch and it could replace the scratching habit with a fist clenching habit. So far I have found myself scratching a handful of times and have been shocked; it has become a habit I don’t even think about. However I’m hoping if I continue with the fist clenching this will lessen. So far so good. Wish me luck!

Your Itchy Friend x

Welcome to my world!

So, I’ve had my eczema for the last eight years and tonight I have decided to stop being negative and down about it and blog about it! I believe the medical term for what I have is atopic dermatitis. This just means that the condition is genetic (both my parents have it) and that I have an overactive immune system. My body continually thinks it is under attack and I need to shed my skin. My mission is to find out more about a condition I have put up with for a large proportion of my life and look at new treatments. As well as this I will be blogging about things that seem to make my eczema worse as I believe my condition is linked to stress, flare ups have often occurred at very stressful times in my life such as exams.

My real hope is that I can improve my own condition and maybe help other suffers

Your Itchy Friend x